Sunday, June 15, 2008

Biting My Cheek

I just bit my cheek. I groaned and folded over on the couch in a cruel mix of pain and surprise. A second earlier I had been happily crunching away on my rice cracker, as dry as it was. I was content, sitting, watching Julie type an entry on her own blog, but now I find myself in a whole new world of pain. Why? What is this cruel device that always seems to act when we are enjoying a moment of culinary bliss? After regaining a feeling of normality in my mouth, I declared that I was going to go write a blog entry about the experience--I can only assume I was inspired by watching Julie type one of her own

The biting of the cheek. Centuries old and still plaguing mankind. Can a man not enjoy his food without having to walk that fine line between pleasure and pain? Will a day come when I can chew freely, happily, without the possibility of searing, unexpected pain? Sadly my friends, I think we all know the answer.

This may seem like a silly topic to write about, but I think that the larger, karmic overtones in the act of biting ones cheek deserve to be noted--a possible metaphor could exist there, unseen, just below the soft inner layer of your cheek...


Some links if you feel my pain:

Cheek Bite Preventer

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