Wednesday, September 17, 2008

5D Mark II : Canon Eats Canon

If you couldn't already tell, I am positively elated by the news.

$2,699 for a 21.1mp state of the art STILL AND VIDEO machine. BARGAIN!!! 
FULL HD VIDEO at 30fps!! WHAT!!
21.1mp 14-bit files!! WHAT!!
SELF CLEANING (been craving this one for awhile haha)

Start scraping your pennies together folks. 

THIS is EVOLUTION, THIS is CANON, THIS is what we have all been waiting for.

But, in all this excitement, where does the 1Ds Mark III get left?
As a scrap in the bottom of the 5D2's bowl it seems...


Isaac Orloff Illustration said...

oh eric and his toys

Anonymous said...

so you gonna sell your 5D1? jk, but im looking for one once the price starts dropping thanks to that monster