Just when I thought my travels had come to an end, my dad suggested a 10-day roadtrip on the west coast, starting yesterday. Since landing in Denver yesterday, we have driven west through the Rocky Mountains into Utah, to Salt Lake City, where we are now.
The landscape so far has been very dry and barren with a lot of small bushes and shrubs but not many trees. It is so beautiful, the pristine condition of the west--I was afraid that untouched land like this had become a thing of the past.
Tomorrow we are headed out to the Bonneville salt flats, which I am very excited about, then to the Great Salt Lake and finally south in the direction of Arches National Park. It will be a lot of time in the car but the photos will be more than worth the ride.
Also, I have been shooting a lot of film over the past 2 days. My good friend Daria Amato was kind enough to let me borrow her Hasselblad 500 C/M, the perfect camera for a trip out west. I have already fallen in love with it, as I knew I would. Like my Leica M6, it is a joy to use and the negatives it produces are stunning. I will certainly be purchasing one of my own in the very near future.
Check back soon for more updates, no photos until the 15th though--laptop stayed at home this time.
The Art of the Personal Project: Beth Galton
2 days ago
so excited to see the results!!! In film!!!
picz please!
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