While I have always known that this was going to be a historic election, the real weight of it didn't fully hit me until I picked up today's copy of the Metro. The issue was almost entirely devoted to election features and sported "AMERICA SPEAKS" on the cover in bold black lettering. I had a sudden urge to save this Metro, for history's sake. I have never felt an urge like that before. Not since elementary school when I collected newspaper articles about the MetroStars(my favorite MLS team at the time).
The gravity of the historical significance of today and tomorrow finally came crashing down on my head. I raced to find a copy of last month's Rolling Stone, which had a photo of Barack Obama on the cover and an interview with him inside. I made a mental note to wake up early tomorrow and get in line for the (hopefully) historic editions of every paper I could get my hands on.
I also felt somewhat disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to vote at a polling station, having sent in my absentee ballot a week ago. I now crave that experience! To close the curtain behind me and take control of a machine that holds within it the hope of a nation.
Today is the day history is made, today is the day America speaks. If we all go out and cast our votes, I have no doubts that come tomorrow morning there will be a newspaper worth saving.
Two long years of campaigning have all led up to this day, now its up to us. That said...
There has never been a more important time to care.